Once Again

Once again, the sky dons its iridescent vest, Giving its cloudy cloak a little rest. I too’ll forget my woes to cycle away, Into the barny bylanes with stacks of hay, to the big boughed banyan tree, And wait there with my sangh, “Stree”, For the orange bus that brings Read more…

Covid Sheroes

A gleaming dark invisible virus took us in, A contagion, like a fiery fiend on a spin, Consuming men, women and children within, In countries and continents, setting footprints in. On a war footing, Doctors worked in, through nights till the sun came in Midst sea of deaths, fear, came Read more…

The Fort

The resolute Fort silently beckoned us,Through its ravaged ramparts,To uncover its mysterious history.Its majestic walled entrance,Impregnable, despite stray canon hits,Sculpted family deities on rock,Defaced, yet beautiful, symmetrical,A serpent engraved to guard the door,Intrigued, we stepped in, and saw,The walls of the Fort extending to eternity… What was the story of Read more…


Being understated can be classy, That to, sans the perils of brash arrogance, Understated can be well accepted, From Cuffe Parade to Charminar! Understated, can make you breath easy, Being oneself and yet be adored, As you under promise and over deliver, Keep reaping the joys of euphoria! Understated is Read more…

Invisibles become visible

When gleaming dark invisibles become visible, Trouncing the white gatekeepers invisible, The red opuntia pricks your throat, in the scorching body of panchatatva. The inflamed warrior in you wilts, in the strife of the visible and invisibles, You see the monitor’s soaring visibles, The Doctor sees the vile invisible visible. Read more…


In my kitchen,through the vantage window, Unhindered, I watched the world in it’s lingo, The sun rays played peek a boo through the panes, Sunbirds sucked the nectared flowers with great pains! I savoured the aroma of the freshly ground coffee bean, While a fat lady wobbled around briskly to Read more…


Drumbeats, a procession midst great adulation, It’s the elephant Lord Ganesh’s celebration, Flowers, lights, colours sprinkled in rainbowed hue, Let’s welcome him to his altared venue! Vignaharta, remover of obstacles he is, Beginnings of all work, worship him please, Ekdantha, the one trunked one, sifts the best, Gajanan, listen to Read more…

Clouded Memories

In the rhythmic breaths synced to the low resonance chants of Om, Mother sits in a meditative trance, eyes closed; lotus pose. Outside, the soft gurgling flow of river Seeta, beckons to infinity. I lean from the balcony, it’s a holiday… Scamper to the empty swing in the garden And Read more…