A Tree

By Sri Aurobindo A tree beside the sandy river-beach Holds up its topmost boughs Like fingers towards the skies they cannot reach, Earth-bound, heaven-amorous. This is the soul of man. Body and brain Hungry for earth our heavenly flight detain.


By Paresh Tiwari The songbirds are out to feed and sing. To my untrained ear, it’s cacophony, albeit a pleasing one. To her, it means something much more. Velvet-fronted nuthatch, black-naped monarch and white-bellied erpornis, she ticks off the names with her fingers. ‘Perhaps you can live here when I’m Read more…


By Toru Dutt A sea of foliage girds our garden round,But not a sea of dull unvaried green,Sharp contrasts of all colours here are seen;The light-green graceful tamarinds aboundAmid the mango clumps of green profound,And palms arise, like pillars gray, between;And o’er the quiet pools the seemuls lean,Red,—red, and startling Read more…

The Champa Flower

By Rabindranath Tagore Supposing I became a champa flower, just for fun, and grew on abranch high up that tree, and shook in the wind with laughter anddanced upon the newly budded leaves, would you know me, mother?You would call, “Baby, where are you?” and I should laugh tomyself and Read more…